
Constitutional Law/Land Use Law: U.S. Supreme Court Case Update

I just learned that the U.S. Supreme Court will be in conference this Thursday, to consider the merits between accepting my client’s petition in Bee’s Auto v. City of Clermont.  This is an exciting and consequential period:  if at least four (4) Justices vote to accept the petition, we would be notified of a calendaring period for oral arguments before the Supremes.  I am keeping my fingers crossed for my client, who has been ravaged by the injustices of municipal corruption in his business location.

No. 15-1147
Bee’s Auto, Inc., et al., Petitioners
City of Clermont, Florida
Docketed:March 15, 2016
Lower Ct:United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
  Case Nos.:(15-10212)
  Decision Date:September 3, 2015
~~~Date~~~~~~~~~~Proceedings  and  Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dec 2 2015Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due April 14, 2016)
Dec 2 2015Appendix of Bee’s Auto, Inc., et al. filed.
Apr 14 2016Brief of respondent City of Clermont, Florida in opposition filed.
Apr 26 2016Reply of petitioners Bee’s Auto, Inc., et al. filed.( To Be Recovered)
May 3 2016DISTRIBUTED for Conference of May 19, 2016.


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