For some background on the case, please reference the following CBC News article: This is a tough case. For those who have not reviewed the above link, or are otherwise unfamiliar with the case, there
The question frequently arises in my tax litigation practice whether or not the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") will negotiate with taxpayers over owed tax debt. In other words, is there some method whereby CRA will accept a reduced amount in lieu of full payment?Can the taxes owed be negotiated with CRA? Over the past 24 hours, CBC News reported that Elections Nova Scotia is attempting to push recommendations for the penalization of a voter taking a photograph of his/her own ballot. I find the justification for any such penal
Portraying Supreme Court oral arguments with dog actors as the justices. Frickin’ genius …. Enjoy the clip from Oliver’s show, “This Week, Tonight.”
I thought that this might interest the masses. This weekend, I was down in Georgia for my baby brother’s wedding. I decided to bring a peace of Nova Scotia with me
Interesting article from Huffington Post recounted Dollarama’s policy, in one of its Ontario-based stores of limiting access by high school students to ‘one-at-a-time.’ I view this policy as extremely problematic, and am not convinced by Dollarama’s justifications. First, if Ontario’s Human Rights Code is akin to N This is an upcoming event at a prominent local synagogue. The link provides the flyer and my mini-bio. Also, on Wednesday, April 25, I am honored to be a guest speaker at the University of Tampa, and discussing First Amendment/protest rig Be scared … be very scared …. Many of us worried when Janice Rogers Brown came up for nomination under GW Bush. Our fears are being realized. She sits on the second most powerful federal court (the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit), and had a ju