Source: Canada US Link: China 301 List 3 Products – New Schedule Published In the August 7, 2018 Federal Register, U.S. Trade Representative Lighthizer published the latest official timeline for those planning to participate in the China 301 List 3 proceedings. The relevant dates are: August 13, 2018 – due date for filing requests to be a witn
Source: Canada US Link: China 301 List 3 Comments Deadline Changed There is a new publication which appeared on the USTR website on August 2, 2018. In it, USTR clarifies the August 17, 2018 deadline for comments regarding products on the China 301 List 3 has also been extended to September 5, 2018. The post China 301 List 3 Comments Deadline Change
Source: Canada US Link: China 301 List 3 – 25% Duty ??? On August 1, 2018, USTR Lighthizer issued a press release indicating he was following through with President Trump’s direction and will consider raising the rate of duty from 10% to 25% on those products on China 301 List 3. A formal notice in the Federal Register is expected soon. Mr.
Source: Canada US Link: China 301 – List 3 Now A Reality Late on July 10, 2018, U.S. Trade Representative Lighthizer released a list of the next Chinese-made products targeted for additional duties, this time at a 10% rate and worth about $200 billion. The statement in support of this action can be found here: USTR Statement Supporting China 30
I am pleased to acknowledge my election as the Chair of the Greater Burnside Business Association. It is a great honor. I look forward to working alongside the Board of Directors, and to helping the GBBA continue to grow in prominence. I also look forward to working alongside other regional and business improvement districts and Chambe Be scared … be very scared …. Many of us worried when Janice Rogers Brown came up for nomination under GW Bush. Our fears are being realized. She sits on the second most powerful federal court (the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit), and had a ju Full credit to AlterNet and author Alex Henderson. Henderson’s article, titled “The Bible Belt’s Love Affair with Gay & Straight Porn,” documents the arguable reality involving individuals in states The opinion is attached. It is an exceptionally well-written order. Please note, within minutes, the State filed its notice of appeal with the First District Court of Appeal (despite publicly stating, previously, that it would abide by the Circuit C