
China 301 List 3 Exclusion Process Announced

Source: Canada US
Link: China 301 List 3 Exclusion Process Announced

In the June 20, 2019 pre-publication edition of the Federal Register, the U.S. Trade Representative announced the long awaited process for seeking exclusions for goods on List 3, the one which recently went from 10% to 25%.  While the exclusion process itself generally mirrors the process applied to those goods on Lists 1 and 2, there are a few differences, but let’s start at the beginning.

Any exclusion request for List 3 goods must be filed between June 30 and September 30, 2019. The request must be filed through the portal: https://exclusion/ustr.gov. One new wrinkle is parties must register in the portal before filing.

For the full article, please see https://blogmsk.com/2019/06/21/china-301-list-3-exclusion-process-announced/.

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