
Health Insurance Reform; Impact on Employers – DBB Quote in Halifax Business Journal Article

I was examining my Google profile, and noticed this recent article from the Halifax Business Journal, dealing with the impact on employers of health care reform.  Overall, the new law is a definite improvement over the previous state of affairs.  Unfortunately, it arguably does not go far enough, including some regulatory authority to control prices (much akin to the way Florida has an insurance regulatory arm through which any increase to auto or home coverage requires board approval).  Of course, I was also a proponent of — at a minimum — a strong public option.  The idea was, and remains, to attempt to keep insurance companies honest and to get them away from this craven desire for larger profits.  Of course, removing that industry’s antitrust exemption would have also made great sense, as well as permitting for those 55 and older to optionally buy into Medicare.

Any way, here is the article link, with my quote:  http://www.bizjournals.com/Halifax/print-edition/2010/11/26/can-we-talk-what-business-owners.html.

1 Comments on This Post
  1. Derek Brett

    Thank you for the kind words.

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