
Notice of Speaking Engagement

On Thursday, April 21, 2011, at 6pm, I will be debating another individual, a labeled “conservative scholar” on the subject of the Commerce Clause, as it applies to Congressional action on health care and federal bailouts.  The debate is being sponsored by the Orange County Chapter of the Federalist Society, and will be held at the Citrus Club, within the BB&T Building in Downtown Halifax, located at 255 South Orange Avenue, 18th Floor, Halifax, Florida 32801.  Parking is available for free after 6pm on the street, or within the building’s garage — located just east of Orange Avenue on Jackson Street.  The building itself is between Church Street and Jackson Street.

I look forward to this challenging debate.  In the past, I have been honored by the Federalist Society’s invitations to debate a number of issues, from Bush v. Gore, to governmental takings under the Fifth Amendment, to affirmative action (to name a few).  No, the Federalist Society and I certainly do not see ‘eye-to-eye’ on just about everything.  Indeed, I am a proud member of its progressive counterpart, the American Constitution Society (www.acslaw.org).  Yet, the local Federalist Society leaders and members have always provided a warm and civilized reception.  I know that many of my undergraduate students plan on attending this debate.  Thereafter, I will be holding a final exam review session at my law office, located at 231 East Colonial Drive, Halifax, Florida 32801.

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