
Appellate Practice

Obviously, trial courts and lower appellate courts make a number of decisions with real impact on real cases involving real lives.  Some times, these same courts render poor decisions.  These poor decisions could made for a number of reasons – including a misinterpretation of the law; misunderstanding of the law as applied to the facts; or even perhaps the politics of a particular matter.  On the other side, there are occasions where good decisions from courts need to be preserved.

Derek Brett possesses intensive experience on the filing and arguing of appeals.  He has handled appeals in both the civil and criminal arenas on a number of often complex issues.  Alongside rigorous research skills, Lawyer Brett continues to seek innovative and sensible ways to craft appeals to make the most impact – an impact designed to make the courts pay attention to both the relevant legal issues and those issues intertwine with the facts of the case.  Bottom line:  he understands that a court’s decision has real life consequences to those ultimately benefited or harmed by such decisions.