
Vitaly Timokhov and Sunita Doobay to present at the ABA Section of International Law in New York

Source: Tax Law
Link: Vitaly Timokhov and Sunita Doobay to present at the ABA Section of International Law in New York


On April 18th, Vitaly Timokhov and Sunita Doobay will be featured presenters at the ABA Annual Conference 2018, Section of International Law in New York.

Vitaly Timokhov and his co-presenters Robert Misey of Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren and Barbara Mantegani of Mantegani Tax PLLC discuss “The Cross-Border Tools to Settle Tax Disputes for Private Taxpayers.”

Sunita Doobay, Sandra L. Cobden of Christie’s, and Roelof van Holthe tot Echten of Oostwaard share insights on “Private Art Market and Public Oversight: Can Creativity, Beauty and Passion be Regulated?

ABA Annual Conference 2018 will take place at Grand Hyatt New York, 109 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017, USA from April 17th to April 21st, 2018.

For registration and further information about the event, please click here.

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