
Update on Practice Events — Including Filing in U.S. Supreme Court

Apologies for the recent lapse in posts.  Practice has proven extremely busy, especially from a cross border perspective.  I wanted to advise of at least some of the ongoing events that have marked the past few months of my practice:

(1)  Yesterday, I shipped off a petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Supreme Court.  It was an experience to prepare such a document, and I am crossing my fingers that the Court accepts my petition, thus reviewing a couple of earlier, poor decisions from the lower courts that would allow for a public entity to destroy public records to avoid disclosure; actively conceal such destruction, including through court filings; and then point the finger at the plaintiff/my client for not having discovered the destruction prior to the city securing a dismissal of my client’s case.


(2)  Next, over the past several weeks, I have lectured three (3) times on issues of privacy law in Canada, and also involving cross-border involvement with the United States.  As I practice in both jurisdictions, it proved an interesting pursuit.  I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity presented to me as Vice Chair of the Canadian Bar Association’s Privacy & Access Law Committee, and I thank my colleagues, Alayna Kolodziechuk and David Fraser for their co-hosting of these events, delivered to a number of regional lawyers.


(3)  I am pleased to have been placed into a position to assist the American Chamber of Commerce in Canada, working on one of its committees, and becoming active as a legal consultant for the organization.  The organization is geared to enhancing the commercial relationship between the United States and Canada.


(4)  I continue to represent the interests of the citizens of Lake Loon-Cherry Brook, aimed at preventing the unlawful seizure of their heritage property and land by the City of Halifax.  Over the past month, a rally was held in front of Halifax City Hall.  I was honoured to participate in this event, alongside the leadership of the Lake Loon-Cherry Brook Community Association, and to have been able to directly address the Mayor regarding the City’s departure from a previous oral commitment to relinquish the lands unlawfully taken by the City for the price of one-dollar.  Legal action in the coming month is a definite possibility.


(5)  There is much more, as I also continue to ramp up my domestic and cross-border commercial clientele.  However, these are the highlights of what has been an exhaustive period in my career.



1 Comments on This Post
  1. Stephanie Nagel

    You are doing a great job. You are making an impact in many areas.

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