
Update on Practice Matters

It has been a little while since I last blogged.  Between crazy winter weather, and a number of recent deadlines — both Canadian and U.S. — inclusive of a federal appeal involving the other side’s destruction of evidence, practice life has proven to be exceptionally busy.  This is simply my explanation — not my excuse, as I recall days past where I would be updating this blog/posting while in the throes of the evening.

So, I am happy to report that the Canadian side of my practice continues to grow, while the U.S. side remains comfortably stable.  It is a challenging period, with both litigation and transactional matters continuing to drive my practice forward.  Also, I am coming to the end — at least, until the Fall — of my teaching at both St. Mary’s University (Commercial Law in the Sobey School of Business), as well as through NSCC (where I just finished a semester of teaching Commercial Law to an extraordinary group of managers employed by Staples).

Burnside Law continues to be a stable home, with a great group of ethical lawyers.  The Firm continues to develop, and will soon formally launch its new website, BurnsideLaw.ca.  Trust me, it is a huge improvement on its predecessor website.

Onward … into the hoped-for winter thaw ….  In fulfilling a promise to my students, I am posting my picture with Barack Obama.  🙂


2 Comments on This Post
  1. Samantha

    What a busy beaver you are! That’s good though, I wish you all sorts of luck with your work at Burnside Law and in the good old USA as well as teachings again (I hope) at SMU!

  2. Jeffrey Kass

    What an honor! It’s great that you were recognized for your work.

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