I am not disagreeing with this refusal to review a case addressing the constitutionality of federal legislation prohibiting the sale and use of bulletproof vests by convicted criminals. However, I remain perpetually stunned by the extreme perspectives of Justices Scalia and Thomas. Both dissented to this denial of review, a/k/a “certiorar
I was examining my Google profile, and noticed this recent article from the Halifax Business Journal, dealing with the impact on employers of health care reform. Overall, the new law is a definite improvement over the previous state of affairs. Unfortunately, it arguably does not go far enough, including some regulatory authority to control pri
Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) was gunned down — alongside with six others — during a constituency event outside of a Tucson-area supermarket. Such a senseless death. Giffords has apparently been a target for those on the far right for the past couple of years, with her office being vandalized last March following her vote for
I have long been a big fan of Georgia State Law Professor Neil Kinkopf. Here is another one of his gems. Elena Kagan Can’t Say That: The Sorry State of Public Discourse Regarding Constitutional Interpretation By Neil J. Kinkopf * December 3, 2010 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES From:Ray L. Politik, Counsel to the President Re:
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/07/opinion/07krugman.html?_r=2&ref=opinion There has likely never been a time in this State’s history where active citizen participation is desperately needed. Florida now has a head of state very much in the mode of TX Governor Rick Perry. In many ways, except land availability (in which TX clearly outdis
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-reich/the-shameful-attack-on-pu_b_805050.html Robert Reich just published the following op-ed on HuffPost. I agree with well over 90% of his comments. Public employees are now on a political hit list — certainly in the State of Florida with the guy now occupying the Governor’s Mansion. As an at
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dennis-a-henigan/reading-the-constitution_b_804992.html With advocates headed by Robert Bork and Antonin Scalia (alongside the other three horsemen of constitutional devolution — Roberts, Alito and Thomas), this concept was never anything more than a shibboleth — a canard — a showpiece upon which to j
I was fortunate to provide political commentary on the new governor, Mr. Scott. I stated great trepidation over the remarks in his inaugural speech, as well as the dangerous language (both constitutionally and as a matter of public policy) contained within his first executive order. Tight times to come in Florida. Unfortunately, we’re lef
Here we go. After a year, we are fully redesigned. There is much more functionality with the new website design. I hope everyone appreciates the efforts of Adam & Chris, my web geniuses.
In the event that I am unable to do so, I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year for 2011. Let us all hope that 2011 proves to be a less stressed, and more prosperous year that the tumultuous times we experienced as a Nation in 2010.